Margaritas, Mariachi Music & The Super Bowl
Winners and Photos From our Latest “Amigos” Happy Hour in Austin
By David May
First of all Congrats to Lisa Woodward who was JPM Enterprises’ card drawing prize winner. Jimmy tell the crowd what she won … “$100 Dollarinoes Dave” … Not bad for just throwing a card in a jar hug?
Now a little about the expo this year:
The Austin Chapter Association of Legal Administrators 13th Annual Legal Expo was held on Thursday, August 18th at the Hilton Austin Hotel Downtown. With 54 business partner booths and over 70 Chapter members and invited guests it was a big success.
This year was a themed conference thanks to the 2012 ALA Annual Conference in Honolulu the Business Partner Relations Committee decided the theme should be “The Spirit of Aloha.”
Here’s an excerpt from the ALA website about the event:
“Our business partners went ALL OUT in decorating their booths to match the theme. There were grass skirts and leis all over the place and the theme really added an extra element of fun to the event. A prize was awarded for the best representation of the theme. Frost Bank took home the top spot and received $250 off their 2012 sponsorship package. We had no choice but to award it to them since representative David Landry was brave enough to show up in a coconut bra. Now that is commitment! Coming in second was Oxford Commercial. Rick Whiteley and Greg Johnston really got into the aloha spirit and outfitted their booth with Hawaiian music and hula dancing. Their act was awarded with a few extra drink tickets.
One of the highlights of the afternoon was the drawing of a $1,500 stipend to use toward the 2012 Honolulu Conference. Every Chapter member’s name was put into a bowl and the winner had to be present to win. After calling 10 names of people that were not still at the conference, the stipend was awarded to Sam Williams from Walsh, Anderson, Brown, Gallegos and Green, P.C. Sam wasted no time registering for the conference and is already getting ready for the event.
Needless to say it was a pretty fun conference all in all. I enjoyed seeing everyone all dressed up. Til next time …
Make sure you have a customized plan for your building today. If you do already, fantastic you’re ahead of the curve. If you don’t have a maintenance plan, give us a call today and we’ll come out for FREE to complete a walkthrough and give you a report to do with as you please.
512-380-0444 or email me at dmay@jpm-enterprises.com
JPM Enterprises is a hard surface maintenance and commercial carpet cleaning company.
JPM Enterprises, Inc.
1115 Shady Lane
Austin, TX 78721
JPM Website: http://jpm-enterprises.com