When considering the total cost of commercial carpet replacement, all of the factors show below may be relevant to the equation:
• Cost of Replacement Carpet $ 100,000 13%- 15%
• Cost of Disassembling, Removing, Reassembling
and Replacing Office Cubicles, Furnishings,?
File Cabinets, Equipment, Etc.? $ 14,000
• Labor Cost For Removing Old Carpet $ 5,000 4% – 6%
• Labor Cost Of Installing New Carpet $ 5,000 8% – 10%
• Cost Of Designer/Architect/Space Planner $ 3,000 2% – 4%
• Total Aggregate Cost of Replacement $ 131,000
Note: The above total doesn’t include the cost of executive management time, staff expenses for project planning and control functions, nor any adjustment for inflation.
Total Aggregate Cost Amortized Over Time
6 years = $ 21,833
9 years = $ 14,555
Yearly Benefit Of Extending Life Of Commercial Carpet
Through Proper Maintenance Program $ 7,278
Total Savings Over The Life Of The Carpet $ 65,502
(Over 65% Of The Replacement Cost Shown Above)
Important Note: With proper maintenance your carpet can often stay looking good for 90% of the total time it’s in service. However, without proper maintenance it would be typical for the carpet to stay looking good for only 30% of the time it’s in service. This means the aesthetic life of your carpet can usually double and sometimes triple with the implementation of a sound preventative maintenance program